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License Management

Digiliance's Licence Management module keeps track of various registration, license & approvals and maintains the entire life cycle right from issue date to validity date, expiry and amendment date. Alerts and reminders help all stakeholders well in advance to take timely action for registration/licenses due for renewal


License Management Features

  • Real-time Dashboard Icon

    Real-time Dashboard

    Publishes real-time status of total licenses, including valid, expired, and those due for renewal.

  • Multiple License Tracking Icon

    Multiple License Tracking

    Tracks multiple licenses for all offices in a single dashboard, providing a bird's-eye view of their status.

  • Auto Alerts for Renewals Icon

    Auto Alerts for Renewals

    Delivers pre-alerts and regular reminders for licenses nearing renewal, ensuring timely actions.

  • Maintain License Life Cycle Icon

    Maintain Life Cycle

    Maintains a complete history of licenses, including issue dates and renewal records over time.